
Fusion Pest Control Pest Guide


What You Need To Know About Pests In Idaho Falls, ID

Idaho Falls is a beautiful place to call home. We share our outdoor spaces with pests like rodents, spiders, and insects. Unfortunately, pests don't stay out in nature; they often find their way into our yards and homes. The more you know about our area's pests, the easier it is to stop them from taking over your house and yard.

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Ants are small, social insects that live worldwide in almost every habitat. Unfortunately, some species of ants have come to share our indoor and outdoor spaces. An ant's sole purpose is to help ensure the colony's success; ants will take advantage of any food, water, and shelter they can utilize. These social insects are persistent pests that communicate with each other with military-like precision; keeping ants away from our Idaho Properties is a year-round commitment.

In Idaho Falls, there are many species of ants that we regularly spot foraging for food or nesting in our yards and houses; carpenter ants, little black ants, and pavement ants are common examples. No matter the type of ant that you spot on your property, it is always important to remember that you can't just treat the ants you see. Ants control is best with the help of a professional that can get to the root of the infestation and perform the most effective and thorough treatments.

Bed Bugs

Bed bugs are not easy pests to control and eliminate. They have adapted to living inside our homes and businesses because it puts them near their preferred hosts - people. Human blood is a bed bug's primary food source. Since bed bugs live indoors with us in a temperature-controlled environment, they remain active year-round. A bed bug infestation can happen inside any of our Idaho Falls homes, no matter the season.

Hitchhiking with people, on our clothing, and within our belongings are how these pests move from structure to structure. Bed bug adults are dark in color, about the size of an apple seed, and hide out of sight in dark, tight spaces. Bed bugs are active while we sleep, so identifying an infestation can take some time. The key to controlling these pests is to find and treat every adult, nymph, and egg, a task best left to a professional.

Bed bug prevention tips: When traveling, keep suitcases off the ground at airports, hotels, and other public locations. Always inspect secondhand furniture, clothing, and mattresses for bed bugs. Change your family's bedding regularly and inspect bedding, pillows, and mattresses for bed bugs and their signs (drops of blood, shed skins, dark streaks of excrement). Bed bugs are not pests you want to mess around with; at the first inkling of their presence on your property, get professional bed bug control.


Mosquitoes are annoying pests homeowners have to contend with year after year. Most active during periods of warm weather, these biting flies make it impossible to enjoy your yard and other outdoor spaces during the spring and summer seasons. Female mosquitoes bite us because they require the protein from our blood to create their eggs. We all do our best to avoid mosquitoes because their bites are unsightly, itchy, and have the potential to become infected.

Though the bites themselves are unpleasant, the biggest concern with mosquitoes is the diseases they spread through their feeding habits. They acquire and spread diseases to people like the West Nile virus that can make people ill. Mosquitoes are dangerous pests that pose no benefits to us personally. Partnering with an Idaho Falls pest control professional to eliminate mosquito populations and reduce your contact with these pests is always the best practice.

Mosquito prevention tips: The best way to keep mosquitoes away from your Idaho Falls yard is to remove areas of standing water. Female mosquitoes lay their eggs on top of standing water; therefore, the more standing water present, the more mosquitoes will be on your property. Store containers upside down when not in use, keep gutters free of debris that collects rainwater, and fill low-lying areas on your property where standing water collects.


Rodent activity can become an issue for any Idaho Falls property owner. Mice, voles, and pocket gophers are the kinds of rodents that regularly take advantage of the food, water, and safe shelter our properties offer. Rodents are outdoor pests and will find their way to any outdoor or indoor space that meets their basic needs.

Sharing our properties with rodents is troublesome for many reasons. Voles and pocket gophers are most problematic in our yards, causing damage to lawns, plants, and foundations (gophers). While a nuisance outside, mice cause the most trouble inside our homes. These small rodents spread diseases, contaminate food, and cause structural damage. Rodents are fast breeders, and just a few discovering the benefits of living on your property can quickly turn into a large-scale difficult-to-control infestation.

Rodent prevention tips: Rodents are always looking for reliable food sources. Doing things like keeping lids on trash cans, maintaining gardens, and removing bird feeders can go a long way in helping to avoid rodent activity. It is also essential to maintain your lawn, cut the grass short, remove harborage sites from your yard that attract their attention, and remove brush piles and other yard debris. The best way to avoid issues with any rodent species is to partner with a professional and implement regular rodent control services. Call today to learn more!


Spiders are exceptional hunters. Their preferred food source is insects like flies, mosquitoes, ants, and cockroaches, all pests that regularly make themselves home in our yards and homes. In smaller numbers, spider activity is beneficial, controlling nuisance insect populations. However, when spider populations grow too large or decide to move into our homes, spiders become unwanted guests, and you need to control them.

Most of the spiders that visit our Idaho Falls properties, like hobo spiders and wolf spiders, are harmless; they are only a threat to their insect prey. However, our region is home to dangerous spiders like the black widow spider. Dangerous spiders have venom potent enough to harm people. Spiders aren't aggressive toward people, but they will defend themselves by delivering a venom-filled bite. Reaching into a cardboard box, rolling over onto a spider while sleeping, or gardening are common ways to come into contact with spiders and receive a bite.

Spider prevention tips: Because spiders live wherever their insect prey does, reducing insect activity is key to limiting spider activity. Keep lids on trash cans, remove areas of standing water, and maintain your lawn. To prevent spiders from easily wandering into your home, place screens over vents and chimneys and seal cracks in exterior walls and the foundation. Removing clutter from your property to reduce harborage spots is also a good idea. Call for year-round home pest control to control spiders and their insect prey!

Stinging Insects

Stinging insects are helpful to us and the environment for several different reasons. Bees are pollinators and help to ensure the success of the plants and crops that all living creatures need to survive. Predatory species like wasps and yellow jackets feed on nuisance insects and help to control their populations.

However helpful stinging insects may be, when they decide to nest near people, they become a threat and need to be removed. The more contact you have with stinging insects, the more likely a sting will occur. The venom of stinging insects is potent enough to cause allergic reactions in people ranging from mild to life-threatening. Sharing your home with insects that could sting you at any time is unsettling, to say the least!

Stinging insect prevention tips: Stinging insects are opportunistic, and our yards offer them easy access to their basic needs. The best way to avoid issues with stinging insects is to implement regular pest control services. Year-round pest control will help to get rid of unwanted stinging insects before they become a threat to you and your family.

How To Get Rid Of Pests In Idaho Falls, ID

Using high-quality products and effective treatments, trust the experts at Fusion Pest Control to get rid of pests from your Idaho Falls property. To learn about ongoing pest control in Idaho Falls, please call today!

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