There are many types of stinging insects in Idaho Falls. Most of the bees, wasps, and hornets in this area are not known to be aggressive unless you disturb their nest. If you see a stinging insect's nest, you should never try to remove it on your own. Even if you think the nest is old and no longer occupied, it could be potentially dangerous for you to get too close to it.
Instead, you should contact an experienced Idaho Falls pest control professional specializing in stinging insect removal. At Fusion Pest Control, we know how to safely remove stinging insects from your property and keep them from coming back in the future.
Like most insects, flying insects that sting don't like cold weather. They will usually find a warm and safe place to hibernate in the winter. In Idaho Falls, temperatures start to warm up in early April. This is the time that many wasps, hornets, and bees will emerge from their nest and look for food. As the flowers bloom, bees will start collecting nectar and pollen to take back to their hives. However, because there's a lot of rainfall during this time of year, the stinging insects are usually more active during the summer than in the spring.
During the months of June and July, wasps and hornets are the most active. They thrive in warm temperatures. This is also the time when they will hunt for other insects, nectar, and other sweet and sugary liquids.
During the warmer months, it can seem like stinging insects are everywhere in Idaho Falls. And while it may be impossible to escape these scary bugs completely, there are a few things that you can do to keep these bugs from taking up residence on your property. The best ways to prevent stinging insects around your home include:
Because most stinging insects are attracted to the nectar that is found in flowers, it is a good idea to move your flower garden away from your home.
Many wasps and other flying stinging insects like to eat small insects, like beetles, crickets, and ants. If you have an insect infestation around your home, you could be attracting these bothersome bugs to your property. They also prefer yards that have plenty of hiding spots. Make sure that your property is clean and well-maintained if you want to keep the stinging insects away. Finally, like all animals, wasps and yellow jackets will seek areas with access to plenty of water. Minimizing excess moisture can help deter them from nesting near your home.
The best way to get rid of stinging insects around your home is to remove their nest from your property. Some species of flying insects will become incredibly aggressive if you even go near their nest. At Fusion Pest Control, we can safely remove all stinging insects' nests from your Idaho Falls property so that you can regain control of your yard once again. Contact us today to see how our home pest control plans can help make your yard free of stinging insects. And when you call, don't forget to ask about our first-time customer discount!