What Every Homeowner Should Know About Spider Control in Idaho Falls, ID
January 2, 2024
A brown spider is sitting on a white surface.

It can be extremely alarming to see a spider crawling around your home. There are thousands of people all over the world that fear spiders. While only a few spiders can harm you, nobody wants to see any spiders in their house. If you are struggling with a spider problem in your home, Fusion Pest Control has the perfect solution for you. We have been providing comprehensive pest control in Idaho Falls for years, and we know how to detect and find the various spiders in this area. 

Types Of Spiders Commonly Found Around Idaho Falls

Idaho Falls is home to several different spider species. Some of the different types of spiders that you are most likely to see in your home include:

  • Wolf Spider: This might be one of the scariest-looking spiders on this list. The wolf spider can grow to over two inches. Its body and legs are usually a combination of dark brown and tan. 
  • Daring jumping spider: Also known as the "bold jumper spider," this spider is extremely small. Adult females usually measure between 3/8 and 3/4 of an inch, and males between 1/4 and 1/2 an inch. They have black bodies covered in fine hairs and feature either white or orange markings. 
  • Cellar spider: These spiders are also referred to as "daddy long legs" because they have extremely long and thin legs. 
  • Black widow: This is the most dangerous type of spider found in Idaho Falls. The female black widow is more dangerous than the male. The female black widow has a small round body that is shiny and black. On the abdomen, the female black widow has a bright red marking in the shape of an hourglass. If you believe you've been bitten by a black widow spider, you should seek medical help as soon as possible.

The brown recluse is one of the other dangerous spiders in the United States. However, this spider is not native to Idaho Falls. While seeing these brown spiders in Idaho is rare, it is certainly not impossible. They have light brown bodies and a dark brown marking on their back in the shape of a violin.

All The Places Spiders Like To Hide In Your Home

Spiders can hide in almost any hard-to-reach space in your home. Some of the places where you are most likely to find spiders include the following:

  • Inside old cardboard boxes or other unused items
  • In the corners of closets
  • In the basement
  • In the attic

Spiders are attracted to damp areas, which is why it is also common to find them in the bathroom, hanging around the showers and bathtub.

Factors That Attract Spiders To Your Property

Spiders like to eat a wide range of insects, including ants, beetles, crickets, and cockroaches. If you have a spider problem, it could indicate that you have some other type of insect infestation. 

They are also attracted to warm and moist areas. If you have an area in your home that is not well-ventilated, or you have a leaky pipe or faucet, you are likely to have spiders in your home. 

The Safest Way To Get Rid Of Spiders In Your Home

If you are looking for a safe and effective way to eliminate spiders from your home, give us a call today. At Fusion Pest Control, we have years of experience dealing with dangerous spiders in Idaho Falls. We know how to get rid of these pests and keep them from coming back in the future. 

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