When people live with pests, problems happen. This is especially true for mice. These rodents love to invade local structures and are a serious threat to health and property. If you are wondering why mice are inside your Idaho Falls home and you want them out fast, today's article discusses what you need to know. But you can also call Fusion Pest Control for direct information about our rodent control services. We have great options for pest control in Idaho Falls to meet your pest control needs.
When mice enter local homes, they do so quietly. Their goal is to find places to live, create pathways through your home, and learn what places are most convenient to get food and drinks at night. If you want to identify these pests, you have to use the signs they leave behind. Here are a few signs of mice to look for.
Most people are not comfortable checking for mice on their own. For help identifying these pests, bring in our team for a thorough rodent inspection.
It is safe to assume that you wouldn't try to pick up wild mice inside your home. You know that these pests will bite you to get away. What you might not know is that mice can make people sick indirectly. All these pests need to do is rub their bodies over or consume an item with bacteria, pathogens, and parasites. They then move these sickness-causing organisms throughout homes where people might interact. If you touch a contaminated surface or eat food that mice have crawled through, you could get very sick. The best way to avoid this is to clean your home thoroughly, store all food inside airtight containers, and not tolerate any types of rodents living inside your walls.
Mice are smart. Not smart enough to always avoid danger, but smart enough to not go near traps after they see one of their friends get caught. When you are placing traps around your home, keep this in mind. Another thing to keep in mind is how fast mice reproduce. A single female can produce 3 to 14 pups per litter and can have 5 to 10 litters per year. That is a lot of babies! If you have more than a dozen mice inside your home, these pests will reproduce faster than conventional traps can catch them. The best way to handle an infestation is to bring in a pest control professional.
There is no denying that mice are a pain to deal with. If you are ready to find freedom from these pests, get our team at Fusion Pest Control involved. We are a dedicated local pest control provider with a passion for top-tier services and unbeatable customer relations. Find out how to get rid of a mouse infestation inside your home by talking with one of our friendly service representatives. We will answer any questions you have and put you on a road to total pest freedom.
Contact Fusion Pest Control now to discuss your options for home pest control services and find a method to get and keep mice out of your Idaho Falls home.