Ants are one of the most common insects to invade homes. Most species of ants don’t cause problems; besides potentially contaminating surfaces with bacteria, they are primarily a nuisance. This changes, though, if you suspect carpenter ants in your house.
Finding an Idaho Falls pest control company is recommended at the first sign of these ants to avoid carpenter ant damage to your home. Even spotting carpenter ants in the trees in your yard is concerning, as they will likely make their way into your home in search of food and water.
Carpenter ants do not eat wood as termites do; instead, they chew through the wood in your home to create their nests. Read on to learn how to identify these pests and the potential signs you may see. We will explain what kind of damage they can do, some prevention tips, and the most effective way to get rid of carpenter ants for good.
All ants have a similar body shape with three distinct body parts, a defined waist and six legs. The reproductive members of the colony have wings that enable them to fly away and start new colonies. Black carpenter ants in your home are the most likely ones in our area, although they may be red or a combination of the two colors. These ants are relatively large, about 5/8 of an inch in length.
Finding carpenter ants in your house is a more complex problem than most other ants we are used to seeing. These aren’t the nuisance ants you find around your home in the warmer weather that are easier to remove. Carpenter ants are a more complex problem because of the damage they can do within the walls of your home.
Carpenter ant swarmers on your Idaho Falls property are usually the first sign people notice. These winged reproductive males are the most telltale sign that you have a carpenter ant problem. You will most often see swarmers here in Idaho Falls in the early spring and late summer. Because swarmers don’t leave the nest until the colony is about two years old, any sign of them is cause for concern.
Another sign to watch out for is small holes in the wood around your home, which the ants use to expel sawdust-like shavings left over from tunneling. You may also notice a rustling sound behind the walls when the house is quiet.
Carpenter ants in Idaho Falls can cause severe damage to the structure of your home. Other than termites, these ants cause more harm to our homes than any other pest in our area. Carpenter ants in your house will chew through softened wood to create their nests.
To avoid carpenter ant damage to your home, it helps to work with a pest control company that can help you find ways to prevent them. If you suspect you already have a carpenter ant problem, reach out for help as soon as possible to minimize the damage they can do. When left untreated, the damage can be severe as the colonies can grow to more than 10,000 workers.
Read on to learn five ways to prevent carpenter ants in Idaho Falls homes:
These tips can help with prevention, but if you notice carpenter ant swarmers on your Idaho Falls property, contact Fusion Pest Control immediately.
The simplest and most effective way to eliminate black carpenter ants in your home is to work with Fusion Pest Control. Our professional home pest control technicians have experience dealing with carpenter ants in Idaho Falls and can help you avoid carpenter ant damage to your home. Reach out today to request your free, no-obligation inspection.